Wednesday, August 26, 2009

擬人化or擬人法 (どっちか分からないけど笑)






Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hmm so it's been a long, long time since I wrote anything, but there's also been little to no progress in work, summer goals, or anything of the like.

I did start reading a lot of Japanese books the other day -- there's one, 日本語とジェンダー (Japanese and gender) which is really fascinating; actually there's a whole bunch related to the topic that I checked out, but this one particularly I had been reading for a while, wondering when the introduction would end and the real text would begin... and turns out I was actually reading the real text!! Books kind of oscillate that way -- from stuff I can read and comprehend easily, to those where even the skimming methods/shortcuts I learned from having to use the 文語辞書 in translations and etc occassionally lead me astray. So I kind of wonder -- and maybe it's a silly question, because the east asian library is chock full of scholarly material -- how to tell the difference in the level of a text in Japanese, and if there can really be said distinction made by the use of more kanji/harder compounds, or if you can achieve the same flow as a "simpler" text without going overboard on the vocabulary... ってかdo you miss something if you don't have those kinds of words??? And also how to build up that vocabulary, sentence fluency, and understanding of grammatical patterns to be able to do English --> Japanese translation and not just the other way around....

Those are the kinds of things that bug me when there's not something "real" going on, and when I'm not too tired/sick of zombie-ing through my days....

My pre-o begins Sunday!!