Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pretty fascinating

So apparently "novices seek out positive feedback, while experts seek out negative feedback."

Pretty fascinating. So what will I do? Learn, speak, read, and write like a boss.


Also, from this thread on multilingual living, on raising a multilingual family. It's at once distressing and comforting:
It's just TIRING being the only representative of a subculture you know and constantly having to explain everything, implicitly defend your choice and then still have people walk away having made snap judgements as far as a child's linguistic abilities are concerned, especially when they only speak one of the languages he does (aside from a few phrases). I feel like I need to move to a place where everyone is multilingual, raising their kids multilingual, so that I can relax a bit and feel normal!

This is awesome. A guide to the Ryukyuan langauges, if I ever get around to them!


And finally, a link for study abroad studies! Apparently Nao knows this kid? From the Nihon Gyappu Iyaa Suishin Kikou Kyoukai!!!! OMG (although second impression suggests yahari it was started by a gaijin?)!! This, the girl's blogspot, JCI (has an STL chapter), and AISEC, as well as HPAIR and resources from SILS.... this seems like it's actually coming together, although passion for it is another question. Looks like it's time to start another blog

FYI, Emotional pathway towards this last statement, in kaomoji:

(`・ω・´)ゞ ヽ(*・ω・)ノ  ヽ(*´Д`*)ノ  ヽ( ´¬`)ノ

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