Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Need to find Tanizaki's 恋愛及び色情 (笑)

" 'I remember reading a piece of advice on women's etiquette in some book or other -- I'm fairly certain it was from Tokugawa Ieyasu -- that the secret to remaining in a husband's affections is not to remain endlessly in his bed but to return to one's own bed as quickly as possible after marital relations. Such advice reflects Japanese people's fundamental dislike for lustful indulgence, but to hear things said of a man like Ieyasu, unparalleled in mental and physical strength, is a bit surprising.
...So long as they are Japanese, husbands probably sense the truth of Ieyasu's advice even more keenly than their wives... The causes are no doubt various, but the fact remains that Japanese men fatigue comparatively quickly. It may be that the fatigue affects us mentally, convincing us that we have acted disgraceful, with gloom and passivity the result. Or it may be that our heads start out stuffed with traditional thoughts of love and sex as vulgar, so that, conversely, it is our melancholy mind that influences the flesh. In any case, it is clear that we are a race of people unable to withstand the more vigorous carnal pleasure. One finds this corroborated by prostitutes at the international port cities like Yokohama and Kobe. According to them, Japanese have much weaker desire than foreigners.'
Tanizaki's coy use of the nature/nurture riddle reveals that the long span of nativist tradition supposedly connecting him to Ieyasu, and indeed to all men "so long as they are Japanese," is comically short. He asks, Are Japanese men feeble on account of their race (人種) or on account of their tradition (伝統)? Either answer would allow for a properly timeless, unadulterated Japan. But clearly neither answer is correct. Japanese men are feeble on account, quite literally, of prostitutes at international port cities. These are the women whom modern capitalism has positioned in the most strategic places for judging Japanese men against their global competitors. Accordingly, they are the ones who know. To hear of Ieyasu's sexual weakness is "a bit surprising" not because the military hero was otherwise so virile but because the current moment is one when remembered remarks by hired sex workers are what decide such things."

from Margherita Long, Tanizaki and the Enjoyment of Japanese Culturalism

Also, I heard from Da today (yesterday) that lots of Asian guys like Japanese porn -- this was in a discussion about being tricked into saying やめて!, mind you -- which just begs the question: Assuming it is true and that やめて and similar cries play a role in their attraction, is it because of some (quasi-)rape fantasy unavailable in their respective country's porn, are the Japanese simply regarded as porn masters? Is it an exoticism (orientalism) of Japan (in that same essay as above it reads: "Love and Passion" is not squeamish about acknowledging that the relationship between Japan and the rest of Asia is illogical precisely because it can only be sorted out through triangulation with the West", which is an interesting thought), does やめて hold some linguistic significance or is it precisely because they do not have the other contexts of the word in their own mental lexicon? These same guys, what is their opinion of western porn?
Reminds me of conversations with しゃっく、 こさっく and しゅうぞう....

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