Thursday, October 7, 2010

Something I need to work on

And no, that does not refer to homework.
J.C. Powys's Confessions (1916)
On Staying Cool, Acting Normal, Not Getting Dessert:

"It is the little thing, the unrehearsed gesture, the catch in the breath, the droop of the lip, the start of surprise, which really reveals. We may analyze ourselves in volumes and remain undiscovered; and then - by yawn, a tilt of the head, a sob of exhaustion, a flash of hate - we are betrayed and unmasked forever."

I saw Melissa today, and was tempted to throw my backpack into her bike wheel. However! Today I resisted a temptation to do evil, and thus am able to declare myself VIRTUOUS.

10/10 coming up. Maybe I should ask Al to switch the tables for me.

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