Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two things:

Yesterday was a good night. Sushi night/Cook-off, I never made it back to initiation (craaaaaap) and totally forgot about the dj battle and buying a shirt (heh and I ran into Ruding later... and totally didn't think about it! She was too busy being beast). Met a lot of people and connected to people from class and elsewhere, laughed, told a girl I thought she was cute (gasp & possibly 初) and generally just remembered why I love this school so much. Finally solved the mystery of why exactly people get BD so late at night on the weekends as well; that is to say, I knew the reason, but I can understand the motivations now?

Then tried to go home, and remembered why I have been having such a hard time. I don't know how I will maintain my sanity (other than investing in a pair of heavy duty earplugs and either obeying the unspoken curfew (does it hurt to check if everyone's in or not?) if I don't find a job and have the money to move out quickly, once I come back...

Also lost my temper, shouted harder and louder than I thought I could, in a moving car. Not so smart, but it almost felt like a release. Again, things I knew were there but suddenly was surprised came to the surface, reinforcing why I keep them down there in the first place. It's just like those urges I get to step in front of moving vehicles, or at the very least stick my hand out and touch the window of a train -- acknowledge and ponder, before casting away. So far I haven't found anything better.

So anyway, I, being probably the only one considerate enough not to ring the doorbell that late... found it really ironic that while the only place I could really go to was the library (Thank God for Whispers! After ruling out staying in the car or going to a restaurant like steak-n-shake, for safety and monetary (so stingy when it comes to myself and myself only) issues respectively) I'm locked out of (=not welcome in) many of the places on campus, the closest thing I have to a "home".

Sucks to be so far away. Should have planned better. Story of my life these days, seems like.

Anyway so I've been in the cafe for a while, and had intended to get some sleep. The sun's already up though, and suddenly I'm thankful for those damned curtains in that unforgiving basement that have wreaked havoc on my sleep schedule (by allowing me to sleep). I don't know what it was but for the last few days or so time seemed to have been moving so so slowly.

Found these two articles on the New York times website. Hopefully the articles will stay up (without having to pay for them... but maybe I should go ahead and make copies...), they're pretty freaky and making me wonder just what the heck I've gotten myself into. Why aren't I studying Korean again? hahaha.

Mulan! In Chinese! Monday and Teusday, if I can wake up in time.
So much reading to dooooooo!
And can't forget philosophy. Damn you, philosophy hw!!!

One: Everyone is always talking about South Korea for this, but...
For Many Chinese, New Wealth and a Fresh Face

Apparently 30% of their plastic surgery cases are actually wealthy Chinese traveling internationally for the procedures, due to lack of regulation and disparate quality on the Chinese side. While reconstructive surgery benefits from these types of cases, well... I still don't really like the idea. (Says the guy who is unhappy again with his own body image! In terms of fitness though haha)

Two: This is just freaky. A glimpse of the future? And a cheap way to live illegally in China. Can't believe I will be there in a few months...
The Air-Raid-Shelter Apartments Under Beijing

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