Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

In Japan

Tired. Offended. Working?

The life of an OL is harder than I thought. `I guess that`s it`, I`ve been thinking lately, `it`s either work hard for a few years during your youth, getting through college and etc, or slack off early on and work hard for the rest of your life.` Really, I think the smarter, or I should say the more education your job requires the less work you actually need. Business is a different matter though, they don`t deserve anything... (you can tell I still don`t understand how money works...)

But yeah, dunno why Ken didn`t tell me it would be like this... I might have just stayed somewhere else if he hadn`t, you know? But he didn`t and I`m having a lot of good networking opportunities, learning some neat tricks (making your own ghetto memo pads hahahaha), learning a bit about what it means to work in a Japanese company, and being treated really nice. I think I know what Wenqi had mean when she said she felt like the people at her work one summer were like older sisters....

Ah but, there is some cougar type stuff. I freaked the f out man!!

One of the ladies here too watches more american dramas than anyone I know probably. She said that she goes to work, goes home and does the housework, and then before sleeping watches two hours of American dramas, and that two hours is enough for her (I forget her exact expression... but it`s like 満足感). I think, when I get older, I want to have a hobby that I can feel the same way about. Even if I`m not doing it all day, even if it`s only now and then and not too deep, but if it`s something that makes my day whenever I do it then I think I will be happy.

Being tagged in pictures and looking through other peoples pictures made me realize just how many people I`ve forgotten to contact... how many people I wish I stayed better in touch with, the friends that waza waza came to ryuugaku but I still havent seen etc etc. Muzakushii yoneee, kou iu koto. (June`s voice comes to mind when I read/think this haha)

Opened up to hanabi people (kosakku tiamo charlie) about Mel. I left a lot of stuff out but they listened really intently gyaku ni chotto kowakatta.... dunno how their image of me changed.... but that was ichiou my zasestu shita toki no hanashi ni natta. Kind of funny. I asked them (specifically tiamo-chan) what they thought about the hey, and charlie said it was probably just a space issue... like it was uncomfortable in terms of space or something like that? I didnt really understand it but I understood it at the same time. Still, I wanna go back in time and just 怒鳴ってみる, really go off on her in front of her parents... (my guess is she was painting the same kind of image about college life as I was for them) My haji, mostly yeah, but still it would have felt good and actually felt like closure.

Maybe that`s why I`m attracted to this anime...
The Tatami Galaxy (look it up on wikipedia)

and after seeing that I remembered I wanted to watch Love Hina (and steal the Genshiken volumes from the room I`m staying in hahaha)

Tokyo Career Forum, Ajikan Nano Mugen Festival, friends in Japan and hanabi and iroha, etc etc. So many reasons to regret choosing to go to Shanghai right now (including loans, which I had totally forgot about!! If only I had waited a few years to go to school... but maybe that`s just inviting my(past)self to not work hard anymore, you know?), but I have to make the best of it.

When I met with Haruna the other day, she was encouraging me to find and have fun with asian girls... that was so weird and totally unexpected hahaha. Makes me rethink what I was telling someone (June datta ki ga suru kedo?) about the difference in study abroad expectations between americans and the rest of the world (ah but tashika ni it was someone who went abroad... oh actually it was Haruna. Possibly nvm haha, but I do feel like I was talking about it with someone before here, and of course I remember the study abroad ambassadors from china only talking and being asked about clubbing... please I want some actually useful information thank you!!). Have to keep in mind what Haruna said about her friends who went to Canada not wanting to fall into the stereotype of easy Japanese girl that gets with a Canadian guy (apparently propogated by all of the rich boarding students? Or possibly those living in Canada or maybe those who move to there to get citizenship?? I should have asked that and other further questions, its an interesting topic for research and great for if I decide to go into sociolinguistics -- like Haruna was saying, getting a native lover really can improve your basic language skills. I was flirting with her a bit the whole time before I found out she has a boyfriend haha, which for me was like yo I`m trying to follow your advice what`s going on ;P teki na something. )

God Knows from Haruhi is a really good song aratamete jikkan shita... because of the guitar and mostly the kashi...

I forget where I was going with this. It got really long too. Gotta remember to mail Yuting her postcards...

Ah, I lost (or maybe they were stolen...) two ipods, and two memory cards. One was my Japanese phone, which now I`ve just mostly given up on... might try the data recovery option but I know there`s not much left... Stuff I remember is going to the zoo with Hanabi, pictures from the 2dan ML, possibly some purikura, the free hug picture that Suenghee took of me and Gen and two random girls in Korea, the photos of Julie at that cafe (I hit on and picked up a girl from a random museum in Seoul on one of the days I was wandering around.. I have pictures of the museum/park and the surrounding area on my camera, and even the ones of me inside her booth art area thing she took for me, but the ones I took of and with her when she treated me to coffee were left in my phone and I always meant to get them out. I wish I had emailed her right away... I remember, I was so scared, but her friends gave me a ride and one girl turned out to be from the states so I was glad I didn`t say anything stupid hahaha. But before I found that out I was really scared they were going to abduct me or something, and the only thing that was pushing me on was something like you only live once and that Julie was really really cute. Hmmm when I got out the car too, it sounded like I could have steered to further hanging out with them over late dinner and drinks or karaoke (noraebang kkkk) and I remember being hopping mad to get Julie alone, but I was leaving the next day or something?? Or maybe I had one more day but decided not to go back to the museum for some reason.... The morning I left too I ran into a random girl who was doing a dual masters in graphic design and some kind of engineering or chemistry so she could design better textbooks... I still have her namecard)

Again, I really forgot where I was going with this and it`s really late.... I need something, like a filter for the internet....

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Why would you avoid someone for two years, only to say hi in passing on the last day you would ever see them?

I don't understand girls sometimes, and am upset that I am so bothered by this.

Just shows that I'm still attached, despite what I've decided for myself.
Maybe it's also that I said hey mel back, rather than take the opportunity to explode (her parents and my mom and sister were there).

But it's so strange that one word can turn conviction, a decided fact, into something where the motives are questionable and everything.

How long will I remember this?
Can't help but feeling I got trolled...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Found my Chinese textbook!!

Anybody else noticing the recent increase in languages in television? Today there was a bilingual Korean-English flight attendant (whose first words, to a white American holding a simple picture dictionary, were in Korean... as if that would ever happen!). Most of it is portrayed as negative (ie bragging French woman), although there are some relatively positive but face-palm (entertaining clients with Chinese that although basic and clearly lacking in basic knowledge of food, was effective to the ignorant business men), and others ambiguous (car ad? with Japanese). Regardless of how they are depicted, five years or so ago though, you wouldn't have been able to hear ANY foreign language, so I guess this is progress?

Gotta remember to look up representations of foreign language and foreigners in commercials...

In other news, reading the introduction to a book on SLA in study abroad, where they are only defining study abroad and looking at the viewpoints different countries/people can take in approach to it..... blew my mind. Can't wait to get further in it :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"It's not yellow fever if the girl is hot." -- Shanghai Shiok

A lot of stuff to root through later. My goal today was to watch some FLCL and some more Nichijyou, but I wasted it all day online again...




Yellow Fever-ish video?

Chinese translation site, with a translation of a very interesting post called how to dump a chinese girl

Respected by the shanghaishiok girl

Need to read this. It's so close!!

Japan/Japanese stuff from here:


List of english magazines published in Japan

A few dictionaries one a medical and the other supposedly extensive enough to include medical terms

Oosaka-ben lessons!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

In case I go to HPAIR :P 地震はテレビ放送にどんな影響を与えたかについて


Gotta watch this sometime :)



Went to brunch with Ryan and Renault and Alex and Ian and Vera. Should've done that a long long time ago....

Came home and read a chapter of the Chinese 3 book, then remembered we're not going to be using it at Fudan and figured I should only moderately use it while training to improve my Japanese as well. Been sitting at my computer ever since hahaha.

Found this video. It's sooooo gooooood!!!

Then found out it's a cover, so found a cover of the cover. Realized the song could be taken as a bit racist (made in the 70's), but is very cute in it's 描写 of 純愛, and captures the akward frankness of 2nd language 告白 perfectly :)

Then remembered the first song has some dialect in it and started looking up the different ones (the one the singer from Asian Kung Fu Generation has I've been thinking about for a while. Gotta train my ears to understand more pronounciations in more dialects!)

These are for later:

Also, a show called 日常 translated as "My Ordinary Life", I've just become ハマったed with... It's on Crunchyroll.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

(previously this post was about intro to psych... ill feelings... that have been cleared up!! ahhhhh this school T___T)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

(I miss playing chess)

"In all things, how deeply you feel depends on whether it is someone else's experience or your own. No matter how deep your interest, another person's experience will never move your heart so deeply as your own." Motoori Norinaga, Uiyamabumi

"You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one." -- Tal Mikhail

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Reading, admiring, and kyoukan suru-ing

"My greatest defect is that my entire being is sometimes irresistibly attracted to a passing emotion and I lose my balance of spirit. [...] I am not the least bit afraid of what people may think of me. I know that there are more than a few people that hate me. As long as I am dealing with such objective reality, I am not the least perturbed. I am not a coward in such matters. But there are certain feelings that steal into my heart and try to ensnare me, and in their presence my own heart becomes the most terrifying of all things."

--from Claudius's Journal, a rewriting of sorts of Hamlet by Shiga Naoya.

trans. Francis Mathy