Friday, October 14, 2011


I got a hard shell. When a dame turns me down, she may as well be reading me a transcript of the day's weather forecast -- and a little rain never hurt nobody.

And in nearly every RPG, you'll encounter the same problem: Eventually, you'll wind up with an item just as overpowered as it is rare. It's almost too good to use. So what do you do with it?

The answer, as every gamer out there has just quietly realized, is "nothing." You save it. Forever.

Every game of Left 4 Dead ends with an untouched First Aid Kit, every Pokemaster is left still clutching the Master Ball as the credits roll, and after Necron falls, poor Zidane has to make a few calls and see if the local thrift stores accept Dark Matter. If you've ever ended a Square-Enix game without an Imperial Fuckton of Megalixirs cluttering up your inventory, then you were likely either drunk or suffering from severe head trauma to the part of your brain that manages impulse control.

And now you will never again be apart.

So how does that help you in real life? Simple: All you have to do, as a gamer, is apply this logic to your savings account. Every paycheck is a Megalixir, and somewhere out there is a boss so tough that you'll eventually need it, so you'd better hang on to it for now. And if you never end up using it, so what? You just proved you were too badass to ever require it in the first place.


Wanna see this movie just because of this quote...

Hey listen, gimme a kiss.
Yeah, why not, because we're just gonna go home later, right, and then there's gonna be all that tension, we've never kissed before and I'll never know when to make the right move or anything. So we'll kiss now and get it over with, and then we'll go eat. We'll digest our food better.


If you want to find your issues really fast, make a list of all the characteristics you hate in other people. Then make a list of all the characteristics you admire in other people. Hold up the two lists in front of you; the ones you hate the most are most likely the ones you hate the most about yourself, and the ones you admire the most are ones you’re not giving yourself permission to develop.

--------------- might start using this, and ask men has a chinese version hahaha, kinda wish some of the newsstands in Shanghai had sold this...
Also Lena Chen! hmmm actually maybe I should take that exclamation point back...


  1. i use my master ball and that first aid kit? still not enough to help me beat the levels...

  2. mean before you beat the Elite Four??? That's when the credits role... saving it for Mewtwo is pretty normal man...

    And the rest is about stocking up? Maybe you just aren't cut out for non-rts games hahaha
