Sunday, October 16, 2011


Finally read "Paper Tiger" in anticipation of Amy Chua (can't believe they funded her... to talk about the book and raising kids. Get some foreign policy and legal questions in, please!)

It was ok. The only thing I really liked/felt was ground breaking was the "Love the world twice as hard" thing.

Super close to finishing the J translation of What I wish I knew when I was 20. Pretty good read, especially once it gets out of the entreprenurial stuff and into practical advice for navigating the adult world, being respectful, thankful and curious, not making enemies, etc.

"I don’t imagine the English version of this book is for everyone. In fact, most people who read the English translation will probably say, “He won the Nobel Prize for Literature for that??” But if you enjoy highly symbolic writings, have had experiences with a Japanese girlfriend who left you puzzled, or wish to reflect on experiences you may have had in Japan then Snow Country is certainly worth a quick read." (I laughed pretty hard at that)

Will probably start a new blog soon.

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