Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Ridiculous, 伊達眼鏡

Mo Xi alcohol lake

According to Liu Xiang's book Lienü zhuan written much later, around 18 BCE, Jie was corrupted by his infatuation with his concubine Mo Xi (妹喜 or 末喜), who was beautiful, but completely lacking in virtue.[7][8] Among other things, she liked to drink, enjoyed music, and also had a penchant for jugglers and sing-song girls. Apparently, she had King Jie order a lake of wine made.[8] They both sailed about in the alcohol lake in an orgy of drunken naked men and women bathing and drinking.[9] She then commanded 3,000 men to drink the lake dry, only to laugh when they all drowned.[8][9] This event was also recorded in the Han Ying's (韓嬰) book Han Shi Wai Zhuan (韓詩外傳).[9][10]

-Wikipedia, Jie of Xia
Baller, utter ridiculousness... and there's more if you look into that guy! Clearly people like this were an influence for the Tenryuubito of One Piece. Really need to go back and read the 400 or so chapters I skipped. Next time I'm in town, I'm clearing out Book-Off!

The evergrowing List of light novels and manga to buy:
Spice and Wolf - 17 volumes
Haruhi  - 
Durarara! = 
Welcome to the NHK - 
One Piece manga - 50+ volumes

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