Monday, February 21, 2011

Forgetful, inefficient. That's me!

Strange how some people can feel like they've changed so much, while others it seems haven't done so at all.

Kind of scary, but the only way to know if either situation is a good thing (from one's own limited perspective) is to talk.

Gotta do that.

"Forge ahead. Don't be afraid."

Been telling myself this for a while now... to be honest, I wish I had "time" as well...

There is a girl in studlife today who, sorta like that one girl I randomly met in Seoul, is majoring in communication design and biology -- although this one is not doing anything too cool with it, it still makes me wish I had at least had the foresight to go for a comm design/Japanese double major.... how cool would that have been???

My friend today said, "Why was I even an art major??" in reference to time lost (and subsequently found)... I kinda feel the same way about chem, only I feel bad about feeling that way...

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