Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Feel bad

So in my post the other day I mentioned KSA...

I had to struggle for Mary, and even then there was a vague feeling there was something big still missing...

Just goes to echo my thoughts the other night, that sometimes the people who have the biggest impact on us are easy to forget... Thinking back to my time in Japan, there were soooo many people that helped me, so many amazing people... I even psuedo-hitchhiked in Seoul! And without constantly reminding myself of those events, they fade away so easily...

I found voice files on my phone from interviews I did for a project; one voice I recognized instantly, another took me nearly 10 minutes, and there are 2 mystery files that sound like I went to a comedy show or something, but right now it's just a mystery to me.

When did I take this picture? Who is this person again?

Friend requests from people I thought I would only meet once, and then they would fade into a separate path, forgotten...

Maybe, if the expansion of cell phone reception to the most remote corners of the world represents human greed, then this enabling of us to retain information could be taken as an even greater form of avarice... or maybe it's another double-bladed sword, we are less and less able to obtain solitude, and getting more and more aware of just how much we are forgetting, and the details we are not able to grasp in the first place...

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