Thursday, December 23, 2010


Been a long time since I posted.

Taking an incomplete on a course (didn't really know what that meant beforehand...) and well, finding things difficult. Just feel like resting, but no rest to be had. Felt like procrastinating, but when I got on the internet I found there's really nothing to do (besides start another manga or something...)

I really want to play the game Gungi (軍儀) from HunterxHunter, it's really re-awakened my curiosity for board games. Need to get back into chess, but also could think about making my own version. There's a guy that already has computerized his own but yeah. Go (碁) I've given up on I guess...

Almost Christmas, hard to believe. No time or energy to get presents though.

Language teaching... interesting. Will definitely go for the tutoring position.

Will miss the deadline for applying to the Japanese lit MA, guess I'll try next year.
In the meantime I need to find other options for myself beyond "if I don't get JET then go to Shanghai for the summer program and apply for the MA and Fulbright during the fall".

Language ability is dying. Started Tanizaki's "夢の浮橋" or Bridge of Dreams, there's a lot of stuff that was cut out from the first few pages of the translation that only have significance if you know Japanese and know about 文語, so it will be interesting to see what else has been left out.

Winter break. Should I prepare for the GRE? Or save it until after the next semester? Should I apply for a real job, an intensive language program (in Japanese or Korean),

The Japan Club email has been getting an unusually high number of emails (by which I mean 3) from people with employment opportunities. One is supposedly from Google Japan(!), one is some guy from Sigma-Aldrich (who was either ESL or didn't care enough to put more effort into the length and grammar of his email...) trying to mooch some free translation work (yeah right), and one is from Pasona, a sort of job-hunting agency for Japanese (and possibly Asian) companies (this one wanted to interview asian international students -- I'm kind of squealing imagining the guy's response if I am the one to reply haha).

If only writing essays was as easy as putting one's thoughts down.... Probably should have toned down the name dropping, or this will wind up higher in Google's search results, and will be more likely to be found by people... but then again there's not too many embarrassing things on here. Maybe I should've been using this more, to make up for the lack of human interaction this semester...

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