Saturday, November 7, 2009

Good, full day

So I woke up thinking and speaking Japanese today for the first time -- was I dreaming in Japanese too??? I imagined the people and games for next years Explore... -- which is a good sign (I ruined it though haha, as you can see), and I'm taking that as a sign that yesterday was a better day than I thought.

It was the first day of Waseda-sai, and in the morning I met up with a friend, Sayuri, I had met on the noodle making trip and we went around and ate and did a couple other things, didn't really have an objective in mind so just wandered around. I thought she had less time than she did from what she had been saying in her emails but she wound up having two hours lol. We went to go see an aquarium, where we ran into Cleo who accompanied us until Sayuri left (She asked if it was じゃま (basically a date) and I think I might have denied a little too strongly :P) (oops I just realized I was supposed to go see her Hawaiian dance show this morning... DX). We went to some crazy thing where I thought it was Green Action-esque at first but it turned out to be either a psych experiment or a cult... apparently there's a lot of cults... But it was interesting, seeing how they tried to use scientific looking things -- posterboards, varied "research", examples -- to show how holding your hand over something causes it to rot?? and taste different and other magical properties. Something like that, anyway, I didn't really say anything because I felt like I had seen something like it before. Cleo was hilarious, because the guy's talking didn't have much of an effect on her -- I've been wondering if brainwashing through words can be transmitted even when there is a language ability gap, but possibly it was just another case 外人向きの日本語, which apparently happens even unconsciously. I thought it was funny, afterwards Sayuri was commenting on how it was a shame the guy was crazy/in a cult if he really believed that stuff, because he was apparently a really good talker (I kind of saw this but all the other people running the booth were kind of the same way...) and I'm guessing she thought he looked good too haha, but I just thought he was weird.
After... I don't remember what we did, but there was a power-ranger esque show that I remember... hmmm I dunno what else... but something happened at acapella and Sayuri left and then me and Cleo split up. I went to a couple of drama shows, one was all the plays were themed about hospitals, which was AMAZING, and then there was another one in the drama-drama place where I don't think the story made much sense... so it's almost like the more serious actors (the second was by themselves, the first was a whole bunch of groups putting on individual plays) were worse... but anyway I might join a drama group here (OH YEAH there were some really hot girls in those drama clubs XD) because I've decided I want to start a drama club in Japanese (and possibly get other people to do other languages and then put on a show!) and less related a prep-course for taking JLPT 1, but it will be good experience and hopefully expand people's interest in the Japanese department and offer yet another venue for Japanese speakers on campusssss.

But I am getting off topic and want to go eat really fast so I'm gonna hurry up. After Waseda-sai (it ends around 4 or 5 pm each day wtf!), went with Chung, Shi, Leo, and a new friend Angie to check out the "all you can eat buffet research society", we went to a shabu-shabu and sukiyaki place in takadanobaba which had a special for 1680 yen for an hour and a half. The restaurant was extremely spacious and nice looking, the food was good quality if lacking in variety (at least the eggs haha, I should have stolen some. They made me wonder if the red eggs really taste any different or not from white ones...) Anyway the people were kind of old (there were two girls but they had extremely white faces, like the kind of cream you put on I think... lots of make-up... which was like what???), it was a lot of guys so the girls got hit on a lot haha, the conversation was ok (people stopped eating when they were talking... fail....) (I got gaijin-nihongo-ed by one of the main guys when it was really just a vocabulary thing.. he used lots of giongo (or is it gitaigo??) I forget the word but stuff like we say a pig says oink when it really doesn't.) and I was like wtf?? Cause he would repeat the same stuff but slower lol. It felt at times like one of those formal dinner societies, and other times like a gokon... umm.. dating party??

Anyway after dinner the five of us were walking back, but we decided to go to the park and drink, the girls got tomato and vegetable juice, I got calpis soda, and Leo got some kind of normal beer, plus some snacks. (We also stopped at Mr. Donuts on my request lol) On the way we stopped in this really funky shop, think hot topic but much more underground, varied, and cooler, I wanna go back sometime. And then we went to the park and just talked for a while, until it was time to rush through the park so Angie could catch one of the last trains back home. Angie is really interesting cause she's aspiring to be a comedian in Japan, and has a drama group so I think I'll be checking that out but she's really nice to hang out with. I am wondering what all languages she is good at but that's another topic I guess?? But yeah the park and the walk afterwards was a great end to the night, very relaxed and I hate the word but genuine conversation (not pretending to be nice kind of thing like Eri has on her profile) maybe frank is a better word... I dunno... anyway my English is disappearing kind of and forgetting your native language has become a really real thing to me suddenly. but still FTW nihongo as the means of communication.

Off too cook some meat and shower and go prepare for Soran Bushi todayyyyyyyyy wish me luck (I never liked the breaking legs thing...)

Oh also I will be appearing in the Waseda newspaper! (did I write that the other day???) Anyway I will be looking out for it haha, can't believe it's this easy to get in it....

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