Saturday, December 17, 2011

Not sure I've reached that point, but...

LLW: The tenth instalment of your videolog showed you hitting some low moments. I think that feeling of loneliness is a common emotion solo travellers often have to deal with. How did you make sure feelings of solitude and the weight of the kilometres ahead didn’t get the best of you on such a long adventure?

Rob: There is a quote that I read recently in a book called Moods of Future Joy by around the world cyclist Alastair Humphreys that goes like this:

“Commitment is doing the thing you said you would do, long after the mood in which you said it in has left you.”

Loneliness is a funny thing. While on my bicycle in Kyrgyzstan, I went five days without seeing another soul, cycling through mountain passes and deep untouched valleys. During that time, I never once felt lonely. My mind was absorbed by the wonder and awe of nature. I was excited about my adventure, and I could not imagine wanting to be anywhere else.

I cannot recall feeling as lonely as I did once I hit eastern China approaching Shanghai. Cyclist Rob Luxton, a veteran of cycling in China, once told me “Eastern China is a killer!” and I couldn’t agree with him more. Surrounded by millions of people, stared at by millions of people, I felt disjointed from society and the environment around me. It was a very tough period of the journey.

The thing that kept me going was a pure commitment to finishing what I had started. I said I would skateboard across China. By hook or by crook I was going to do it.

(from here, about a dude skateboarding across the world)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Simple & Clean

One thing is clear. Linguists have long known, despite the prejudices of those in rich societies, that “simple” people with primitive technologies do not speak simple languages. By the definitions used here, the native languages of North America and South America are the most complicated in the world, while Europe’s are the simplest.

-From the economist

Monday, December 12, 2011


Starting to think I didn't grow as much as I was supposed to (could have?) during college... and realizing that taking time off is actually really common...

"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost.
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost. "
~JRR Tolkien

Through rediscovering people on fb again...

Add another thing to what bad things Japan has given me:
Increased tolerance for cigarette smoke (out of psychological necessity ka?)
A gamanzuyoi shinkei. In the right places, ok it has it's uses but shit's kinda infective...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How everything should be...

A great example where, paradoxically, being smart is cheaper than being cheap.

Also, this made me laugh (thanks Dan): Guys seek advice from girls, not other guys. Most guys think alike, so if one is confused, we're all confused.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Something to keep in mind... hahaha

+ Starcraft
+ Taekwondo

Sunday, November 20, 2011


This is true, but I hope not in all cases

[Edit: to save future-me a google, reference from this blog, which is referencing this Bugy Craxone video]

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Absolutely fascinating, but why the hell are there other people doing this???? DAMMIT
Looks like I'll be going to Urbana-Champaign in March.
Better get cracking on JET and Hopkins-Nanjing application...


Also cereal guy for good measure, just because I like the picture.

Forgot a few things

Fascinating article on international marriage from the economist; particularly the Japanese women marrying down in terms of country-level, from urban to rural, etc. Maybe there's something in studying this type of relationship/sexuality/internationalism stuff? Toriaezu there's links to a few research bodies in the article itself, and I should ask Trish and Prof Lee about it as well.

博士号を取るとはどういうことか - Japanese translation of a very interesting and sadly true-to-life info graphic. Continue to long for life in simpler times, where it seems it was so much easier to discover new things. Also wonder if anyone else has drawn graphs of non-traditional methods of learning (street smarts, etc) as a response to this.

Not sure what this is about but apparently it's shocking and/or interesting.

Best advice I've had in a while

People are shocked when I tell them I'm lazy. I don't try to change the fact that I'm lazy; I exploit it. I try to make sure that the laziest thing I can do at any moment is what I should be doing.


A girl once gave me a wonderful birthday present. Shocked, confused and feeling most of all undeserving, I exchanged promises to hang out more after break and parted ways. I later changed the goal of my travels to finding the perfect something to express my feelings of thanks -- my birthday being when it is and the stubborn lack of close friends during college, I rarely receive any personal (read:non-facebook) acknowledgement, and have only once had a surprise party (A going away party by Waseda-gumi I will never forget. Watch the douga every now and then to cheer up, remember the fukai kizuna we forged) -- and eventually settled on a cd I sampled in a huge Korean bookstore within an even bigger mall. Travel and the break itself came and went, and I found myself ready. Ready to give her my gift, let her know how much her time and effort and that small gift meant to me, how much strength it had given me. Time went by, my resolve weakened. I wanted to give it to her, yet still I hung onto it, could not bear to part with it. I think much of it was due to my weakness, confusion and reluctance. Partly because it was probably the first such open display of affection I had ever received (or at least remember[ed?]), she was Singaporean and I was still recovering from trauma (not that it's fully fixed now or anything) and second guessing both my evaluation of her motives/feelings and my own attraction towards her (I once half-joked that I only liked Singaporeans, when another smartass tried to confirm/assert that I like asian girls; I like to think it's initially a combination of the laid back-ness [no pun intended], internationalism[?], foodie-ism and accent that seems to be shared among the island's people). Partly because, well, just a plain fear of rejection. After that initial promise we never really hung out, didn't talk much and I sure didn't give her that present. I still listen to it, now and then. It's good. So good, I feel regret for still having it, listening to it, enjoying it. Maybe even guilt, and the feeling that yet another bridge was not burned, only left to wither and might well have already crumbled.

(A work in progress, to be streamlined and fb-statused later)
(Also while checking old fb messages can be shocking, it also reveals that we did make some plans (to go to a concert) and communicate, and probably even met up, during/possibly after the break; memory is definitely selective, definitely fallible, definitely playing up to what we want to believe in or say. Gotta work on harnessing this power...)

As my advisor used to tell me, "Whenever I felt depressed in grad school--when I worried I wasn't going to finish my Ph.D.--I looked at the people dumber than me finishing theirs, and I would think to myself, if that idiot can get a Ph.D., dammit, so can I.

Friday, November 18, 2011


This girl.

Really struck me. That was unexpected.

On another note,
I Zhuan dao na ye le from youtube videos, where there's links to this girl's twitter, tumbler, facebook, and the name of the university she goes to is out in the open... someone needs to rehaul their internet privacy! Although it doesn't seem like too many people are watching her channel anyway though?

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I am starting to think, maybe, you know, I should join a forum. Join a forum, instead of remaining on the periphery, only taking in knowledge rather than contributing, doing something akin to facebook stalking only with people I don't and cannot get to know;

and maybe mom was right, I should find or be paying some educated in Japanese person to converse with and raise/maintain my ability level (and on that note seeking out Chinese more actively as well). I was extremely disappointed at what may be the only 見本 available on the internet for the OPI Superior ranking, but watching that argument about the Japanese prime minister's acceptance of donations from Korean nationals was at times disheartening [although I did 改めて実感 the feeling that emotion/rudeness/etc in Japanese comes through mostly in not the words you choose, but in the tone, etc that you choose them, much more so than English and, it would seem, the complete opposite of Korean, where there are apparently so many curse words?, I did not understand most of the background of the trial, what the 参議院 is or it's questioning processes (why did the guy keep sitting down... even when he started giving one word answers... and wasn't the accuser dude hella rude!?!?! And was accuser #2 regarded as passionate or just a loser? hmmm), or why the trial/witch-hunt itself is even important, and was lost at the dialogue itself many times...].

Still angry at that bastard and his ideas of a politically correct "gap year"; social etiquette be damned,! if you don't want to hear what I'm up to then don't ask. Too bad for you if I don't fit neatly into your self-consolation terminology.

Although I do wonder if I was a little to blame, having this lack of human contact (see above desire to join a message board or online community, or the ダラーズ) which lead to 油断 on my part towards the outsider (a concept which still troubles me to this day, those words by shakku).

Starting to wonder if I should just give up on the idea of grad school and get a job for now (it's that or ace the GRE in the next two weeks, ask for references by tomorrow AND have a clear idea of what I want to do...). Oscillating between knowing exactly what I want to do with my life and taking comfort in the fact that when I get tired of searching for it I can always sell my soul to the government/military. A far cry from my original "dog of the military" days, and a bit disillusioned at my own reality in opposition with that Ed brought: soul-selling with a purpose, for something otherwise unattainable, was supposed to have been the norm, no, the absolute, for all those voluntarily in the military. I am at once disappointed, laughing at some sort of naivety held within, and amazed at the influence which a favorite work can have upon a person.

Gotta write to 7-chan,

\and others\

[edit:] 蛋疼 this apparently describes a lot for me these days, haha. Thanks, chinasmack :)

Saturday, November 12, 2011


不思議に いやちょっとさみしくなったからなにしてるのかなって思っただけ のような返事まで来た。





リア充爆発しろwww (2chの影響か)




ちょっと世界救ってる ←次回これ使うわ!息をするかの如くダーツやってんだよカッコいいだろうが これワロタ

Monday, October 17, 2011

Quoting Tina Seelig -- WU, are you listening?

Time is the great equalizer… Each day has only 24 hours - nobody has any more than anyone else. Everyone, from poets to presidents, fills those hours, one after the other, until they are all filled up. Every single minute is unique, and once gone, can never be regained.

When you look at someone who has accomplished a lot, you can be pretty sure that he or she has spent considerable amounts of time mastering the required skills, filling hours upon hours with hard work. There are those who look at others’ accomplishments and say, “I had that idea, “ or “I could have done that.” But ideas are cheap and intentions are just that. If you don’t invest the time needed to achieve those goals then all you have are empty ambitions.

People often say, “I don’t have the time to…” Fill in the blank with whatever you like: exercise, make dinner, write a book, start a company, run for political office. What makes these people think that they have less time than anyone else? Of course they don’t. We all have the same 24 hours in each day and make real decisions about how we spend them. If you really want to get in shape, then carve out time to exercise. If you want to write a book, then pick up a pen and do it. And, if you want to run for president, then get started. It isn’t going to happen if you plan your day around your favorite TV shows or spend hours updating your Facebook page. These are entertaining distractions that eat up your irreplaceable time.

Link to the original blog post. Rest of the site has interesting bits from the book as well! I think I enjoy the writing more in Japanese though.

A lecture given on the creation of the book and etc
List of her online clips at Stanford

And one guy picking up on some of the same points I did:
If you throw gasoline on a log all you get is a wet log. If you throw gasoline on a small flame you get an inferno. Are you putting your energy into something that's going to pay off?
Lao-Tzu, Chinese Taoist philosopher:
"The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his information and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he's always doing both."

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Finally read "Paper Tiger" in anticipation of Amy Chua (can't believe they funded her... to talk about the book and raising kids. Get some foreign policy and legal questions in, please!)

It was ok. The only thing I really liked/felt was ground breaking was the "Love the world twice as hard" thing.

Super close to finishing the J translation of What I wish I knew when I was 20. Pretty good read, especially once it gets out of the entreprenurial stuff and into practical advice for navigating the adult world, being respectful, thankful and curious, not making enemies, etc.

"I don’t imagine the English version of this book is for everyone. In fact, most people who read the English translation will probably say, “He won the Nobel Prize for Literature for that??” But if you enjoy highly symbolic writings, have had experiences with a Japanese girlfriend who left you puzzled, or wish to reflect on experiences you may have had in Japan then Snow Country is certainly worth a quick read." (I laughed pretty hard at that)

Will probably start a new blog soon.

Friday, October 14, 2011


I got a hard shell. When a dame turns me down, she may as well be reading me a transcript of the day's weather forecast -- and a little rain never hurt nobody.

And in nearly every RPG, you'll encounter the same problem: Eventually, you'll wind up with an item just as overpowered as it is rare. It's almost too good to use. So what do you do with it?

The answer, as every gamer out there has just quietly realized, is "nothing." You save it. Forever.

Every game of Left 4 Dead ends with an untouched First Aid Kit, every Pokemaster is left still clutching the Master Ball as the credits roll, and after Necron falls, poor Zidane has to make a few calls and see if the local thrift stores accept Dark Matter. If you've ever ended a Square-Enix game without an Imperial Fuckton of Megalixirs cluttering up your inventory, then you were likely either drunk or suffering from severe head trauma to the part of your brain that manages impulse control.

And now you will never again be apart.

So how does that help you in real life? Simple: All you have to do, as a gamer, is apply this logic to your savings account. Every paycheck is a Megalixir, and somewhere out there is a boss so tough that you'll eventually need it, so you'd better hang on to it for now. And if you never end up using it, so what? You just proved you were too badass to ever require it in the first place.


Wanna see this movie just because of this quote...

Hey listen, gimme a kiss.
Yeah, why not, because we're just gonna go home later, right, and then there's gonna be all that tension, we've never kissed before and I'll never know when to make the right move or anything. So we'll kiss now and get it over with, and then we'll go eat. We'll digest our food better.


If you want to find your issues really fast, make a list of all the characteristics you hate in other people. Then make a list of all the characteristics you admire in other people. Hold up the two lists in front of you; the ones you hate the most are most likely the ones you hate the most about yourself, and the ones you admire the most are ones you’re not giving yourself permission to develop.

--------------- might start using this, and ask men has a chinese version hahaha, kinda wish some of the newsstands in Shanghai had sold this...
Also Lena Chen! hmmm actually maybe I should take that exclamation point back...

Monday, October 10, 2011


"It's when people realize how lonely it is being on their own... that they start to become kind. You know that really, don't you?"
Mirajane, Fairy Tail, Ch. 118

Saturday, October 8, 2011

RAhhhhh I've been reading Fairy Tail... it's pretty good

Months of stalking the interwebs are finally starting to pay off! Another link dump...

"Little known Tokyo facts: The Tokyo Police Hospital is open to the general public. They have one of the best neurology departments in Japan."
(Need to read this guy, Jake Adelstein, 's yakuza book sometime. Maybe Heisei can bring him next year...)

Kinda baller... and I wanna read his book...

Big Bird in China and Japan!!!!!!!!!!!

Wanna download 13 assassins... apparently it's a good j movie. Along with that cold fish one up above.

Another not so productive day.... need to reply to people. Remember to chill with Noku for a bit tomorrow, call Rando, email lady...

Friday, September 30, 2011


Finished watching Code Geass... I don't know why, but the fact that it's over hits me much harder than Nichijou, just a heavy, sinking feeling in my heart. I knew the ending (some jerk spoiled it for me), but still or maybe because of that I'm finding it hard to accept.
Supposedly there is a 3rd season, but, somehow that doesn't figure into things. It was wrapped up and left loose almost perfectly. How Suzaku escaped is still a mystery.

First Hakase, then C.C. and eventually even Karen; all changing the way I perceive and my idealization of women in the real world... is this これこそがジュンの言っていた2次元の知から?

And I still need to work on my Japanese.

これで、より効率的になれるのか? より真の友を作り出せるのか?

幸福のアスを向けるのか? るるーシュよ。ゼロよ。


Yes, your Highness!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bilingualism blogs and self-help stuff

Language Forgetting -- scary stuff. Need to work against this for both 日本語 and 中文! How to make them both relevant and active parts of my daily life?

Simultaneous Interpretation -- Probably a long way away from it... Need to recover my specialized vocabulary (limited to 古文 and 言語学なんだろうな)

Past Trauma Influences sexual fantasies and the things you find attractive? -- This could be problematic.... (although there are definitely positive forces at work here, ie 日常のはかせの喋り方)

Are you teaching people to treat you badly? -- Gotta work on this. Sometimes biculturalism combined with one's past and innate personality is not a good thing....

Hopefully Eloquent Speeches

Online Resources for Japanese:
Yamasa Online Kanji Dictionary
Denshi Jisho
Tangorin Online Japanese Dictionary
ALC dictionary
Kenkyusha Online Dictionary
* WEBLIO 辞書 -

Is similar to ALC Eijiro this site also brings searched keyword fragments with the corresponding translations found on the web (through Google translate).

* Life Science Dictionary Project page -

Covers a variety of Life science areas. Also displays related words (English and Japanese)

* Japanese Law Translations:

This project is maintained by the Japan Ministry of Justice - you can use the dictionary or search for keywords in context and the corresponding unofficial translation is returned with the results. Handy both for examples and to brush up on Japanese law texts.

* Japanese Character Recognition -

I use this when source text is a short PDF I come across a single strange kanji I haven't seen, and unfortunately for me some of the radicals in the kanji are too common (or my denshi jisho is not cooperating).

* Nouns Commonly Found in Patents:

Google looking for more legal assisstants wwwwww
Really really want to apply

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

from geek dot com

At the current rate that living organisms are becoming extinct, which is ten to 100 times their natural level, we’re lucky if we can categorize a species before it disappears. Worm said the information we get when we discover new species is “nature’s library,” and that we’re “throwing out books without having a look at them.”

Friday, August 26, 2011



Monday, August 15, 2011

Daytime Drinking (ah, that was a good movie)

“That’s the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.” --Charles Bukowski

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Buying my plane ticket tomorrow

Beginning to wonder if it would be ethical to introduce a child to a constructed language...? I realized I'm obsessed with languages and find myself wishing I had (been brought up with or had the opportunity to go) learned dialects or less commonly spoken languages (within Japanese this means going to a rural area and hoping to be accepted there? and within Chinese means focusing on a totally different language like Cantonese or trying to find a dialect somewhere with close approximation to Mandarin i.e. Shanghainese and it's supposed 60% affinity)...

Which explains my interest in Toki Pona. Seems pretty simple with only about 130 words in the language, a serious of lessons and no need to worry about pronounciation. But if I find Japanese lonely, wouldn't it be even lonelier with Toki Pona? But Toki Pona's active online communities and also available materials would be easily identifiable, while for some reason Japanese resources simply evade me.
(I think I'll go ahead and learn it -- the idea of a truly simple language appeals to me, and the sort of lifestyle pacing that I try to give myself (and my Sheik)).

I'm beginning to feel exasperated about this lack of resources too, especially considering that my main resources nowadays mean that Japanese in general really isn't fun or interesting. It's so much easier to find interesting topics, social commentaries, etc in Chinese.

Take this video on Shanghainese, for instance: I can understand most of what they're saying!

Just goes to show that the WU program really was a good investment and their teaching is beast; my language partner was amazing; but probably most importantly my level of exposure during those two months was probably equal or greater to my exposure to Japanese outside of the classroom. I am in the middle of an NHK podcast and have been for the past 6 hours, and when not paying attention I can't understand anything, while listening I am only catching about half of the material. I am still a long way from understanding the Chinese news podcasts I have been downloading for the last year or two (have to clean out my podcasts sometimes), but still, it scares me. And this is precisely what was making me so hurt (伤心) yesterday when Haskins commented on my betrayal. I've been in overdrive mode trying to compensate for this shift of interests? attention? but so far the only thing that's coming out of it is a heap of unread tabs about Chinese society on my firefox and little progress in my reclaiming Japanese and reasserting it's importance, but aside from the notes carved into my phone recently (most of which are ashamedly simply questions reframing the issues about China into a more global/foreign policy related frame) there's not much progress.

Like these guys point out, the most important things in language learning are: availability and use of comprehensible input, motivation, time put in, and whether learning is fun.

I'm not sure which of these is the most important, but I can say that for my Japanese learning, these are all lacking, while for Chinese (at the moment?) they are overabundant -- all from my beginnings at college (friends, fun levels of classes, affinity/attraction to food and culture).

Another thing I would probably add to the list is the importance of a community. I just haven't been able to make that for myself in Japanese outside of Japan and 花火. What should I do? I've already found out there's a (predictably easy to find) online community for people who want to learn Shanghainese... not to mention materials aimed at native Chinese speakers themselves. Brings to mind the shows on dialects (and another show, forgot the name, where celebrities come onto the show and read things, have it in a previous post but should have downloaded the show at the time or at least watched it in it's entirety because the series has been removed from youtube after allegation of a copyright violation :( Who was watching that anyway???) that came/come on as NHK specials, or the websites devoted to Osaka-ben (for some reason my motivation gets less and less, even though (or dakara ka?) I've met Osaka-ben speaking people...

Ugh. And all of this is 迷わせるing me in terms of the consideration of future job, internships, grad schools, and general life direction (the curse of our generation - too much information, not enough processing. too large decision trees, too little chopping at branches) [for some reason I have the strongest urge to force a differentiation in the two and too phenomes, because when I read it out loud regardless of semantic intent I can only think of the "two" meaning when it comes to the latter half of that lower-case declaration... also should look at my punctuation use. I don't think too many people agree with it haha, although I don't often agree with other people's].

Sometimes I get the really strong urge to learn Korean (and almost regret, although it is more tempered now because of my increased proficiency in Chinese, that I didn't make the leap and study it during undergrad) too.
Found out the girl from Snow Flower and the Secret Fan is also the girl from one of my favorite movies, Il Mare, and also the girl from My Sassy Girl, which I have yet to watch in it's entirety.

Sometimes I even
want to learn a
romance language!
泣 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 泣

(Which, somewhat ironically, would probably wind up as Spanish. Think of reading 100 Years of Solitude and all the Hispanic or Spanish-speaking people in my life haha. How much would my interactions with them have been different? Even (especially?) Lisa...)

Have to remember to write about China's so-called "(Post-90's) sexual revolution", and the condoms and vibrators in front of the checkouts in Family Marts in Shanghai. And there I go, proving my point again.

Maybe it's just that, weird stuff from Japan is taken for granted nowadays...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Unknown Unknowns (check Wikipedia)

آنکس که بداند و بداند که بداند

اسب خرد از گنبد گردون بجهاند

آنکس که بداند و نداند که بداند

بیدار کنیدش که بسی خفته نماند

آنکس که نداند و بداند که نداند

لنگان خرک خویش به منزل برساند

آنکس که نداند و نداند که نداند

در جهل مرکب ابدالدهر بماند

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Time to work on social skills?

“The loudest duck gets shot” is a Chinese proverb. “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down” is a Japanese one. Its Western correlative: “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” (I just realized what a huge difference in nuance this is! Westerners take a positive stance towards this sort of thing...)

Interesting read, finally got around to it

Monday, August 8, 2011

I want to be back in Shanghai

I really do.


Funny quotes from this site

“We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.”
— James Nicoll

“Ours is a mongrel language which started with a child's vocabulary of three hundred words, and now consists of two hundred and twenty-five thousand; the whole lot, with the exception of the original and legitimate three hundred, borrowed, stolen, smouched from every unwatched language under the sun, the spelling of each individual word of the lot locating the source of the theft and preserving the memory of the revered crime.”
— Mark Twain

Friday, June 3, 2011





タイトルは、Code Geass第五話から引用した台詞です。「は、」は除いたんだけどね

May you live in an interesting age

Supposeddly that`s a curse, and a Chinese one at that... Have to wake up early tomorrow to catch my flight... dunno if I`ll be able to make it!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Monday, May 30, 2011

In Japan

Tired. Offended. Working?

The life of an OL is harder than I thought. `I guess that`s it`, I`ve been thinking lately, `it`s either work hard for a few years during your youth, getting through college and etc, or slack off early on and work hard for the rest of your life.` Really, I think the smarter, or I should say the more education your job requires the less work you actually need. Business is a different matter though, they don`t deserve anything... (you can tell I still don`t understand how money works...)

But yeah, dunno why Ken didn`t tell me it would be like this... I might have just stayed somewhere else if he hadn`t, you know? But he didn`t and I`m having a lot of good networking opportunities, learning some neat tricks (making your own ghetto memo pads hahahaha), learning a bit about what it means to work in a Japanese company, and being treated really nice. I think I know what Wenqi had mean when she said she felt like the people at her work one summer were like older sisters....

Ah but, there is some cougar type stuff. I freaked the f out man!!

One of the ladies here too watches more american dramas than anyone I know probably. She said that she goes to work, goes home and does the housework, and then before sleeping watches two hours of American dramas, and that two hours is enough for her (I forget her exact expression... but it`s like 満足感). I think, when I get older, I want to have a hobby that I can feel the same way about. Even if I`m not doing it all day, even if it`s only now and then and not too deep, but if it`s something that makes my day whenever I do it then I think I will be happy.

Being tagged in pictures and looking through other peoples pictures made me realize just how many people I`ve forgotten to contact... how many people I wish I stayed better in touch with, the friends that waza waza came to ryuugaku but I still havent seen etc etc. Muzakushii yoneee, kou iu koto. (June`s voice comes to mind when I read/think this haha)

Opened up to hanabi people (kosakku tiamo charlie) about Mel. I left a lot of stuff out but they listened really intently gyaku ni chotto kowakatta.... dunno how their image of me changed.... but that was ichiou my zasestu shita toki no hanashi ni natta. Kind of funny. I asked them (specifically tiamo-chan) what they thought about the hey, and charlie said it was probably just a space issue... like it was uncomfortable in terms of space or something like that? I didnt really understand it but I understood it at the same time. Still, I wanna go back in time and just 怒鳴ってみる, really go off on her in front of her parents... (my guess is she was painting the same kind of image about college life as I was for them) My haji, mostly yeah, but still it would have felt good and actually felt like closure.

Maybe that`s why I`m attracted to this anime...
The Tatami Galaxy (look it up on wikipedia)

and after seeing that I remembered I wanted to watch Love Hina (and steal the Genshiken volumes from the room I`m staying in hahaha)

Tokyo Career Forum, Ajikan Nano Mugen Festival, friends in Japan and hanabi and iroha, etc etc. So many reasons to regret choosing to go to Shanghai right now (including loans, which I had totally forgot about!! If only I had waited a few years to go to school... but maybe that`s just inviting my(past)self to not work hard anymore, you know?), but I have to make the best of it.

When I met with Haruna the other day, she was encouraging me to find and have fun with asian girls... that was so weird and totally unexpected hahaha. Makes me rethink what I was telling someone (June datta ki ga suru kedo?) about the difference in study abroad expectations between americans and the rest of the world (ah but tashika ni it was someone who went abroad... oh actually it was Haruna. Possibly nvm haha, but I do feel like I was talking about it with someone before here, and of course I remember the study abroad ambassadors from china only talking and being asked about clubbing... please I want some actually useful information thank you!!). Have to keep in mind what Haruna said about her friends who went to Canada not wanting to fall into the stereotype of easy Japanese girl that gets with a Canadian guy (apparently propogated by all of the rich boarding students? Or possibly those living in Canada or maybe those who move to there to get citizenship?? I should have asked that and other further questions, its an interesting topic for research and great for if I decide to go into sociolinguistics -- like Haruna was saying, getting a native lover really can improve your basic language skills. I was flirting with her a bit the whole time before I found out she has a boyfriend haha, which for me was like yo I`m trying to follow your advice what`s going on ;P teki na something. )

God Knows from Haruhi is a really good song aratamete jikkan shita... because of the guitar and mostly the kashi...

I forget where I was going with this. It got really long too. Gotta remember to mail Yuting her postcards...

Ah, I lost (or maybe they were stolen...) two ipods, and two memory cards. One was my Japanese phone, which now I`ve just mostly given up on... might try the data recovery option but I know there`s not much left... Stuff I remember is going to the zoo with Hanabi, pictures from the 2dan ML, possibly some purikura, the free hug picture that Suenghee took of me and Gen and two random girls in Korea, the photos of Julie at that cafe (I hit on and picked up a girl from a random museum in Seoul on one of the days I was wandering around.. I have pictures of the museum/park and the surrounding area on my camera, and even the ones of me inside her booth art area thing she took for me, but the ones I took of and with her when she treated me to coffee were left in my phone and I always meant to get them out. I wish I had emailed her right away... I remember, I was so scared, but her friends gave me a ride and one girl turned out to be from the states so I was glad I didn`t say anything stupid hahaha. But before I found that out I was really scared they were going to abduct me or something, and the only thing that was pushing me on was something like you only live once and that Julie was really really cute. Hmmm when I got out the car too, it sounded like I could have steered to further hanging out with them over late dinner and drinks or karaoke (noraebang kkkk) and I remember being hopping mad to get Julie alone, but I was leaving the next day or something?? Or maybe I had one more day but decided not to go back to the museum for some reason.... The morning I left too I ran into a random girl who was doing a dual masters in graphic design and some kind of engineering or chemistry so she could design better textbooks... I still have her namecard)

Again, I really forgot where I was going with this and it`s really late.... I need something, like a filter for the internet....

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Why would you avoid someone for two years, only to say hi in passing on the last day you would ever see them?

I don't understand girls sometimes, and am upset that I am so bothered by this.

Just shows that I'm still attached, despite what I've decided for myself.
Maybe it's also that I said hey mel back, rather than take the opportunity to explode (her parents and my mom and sister were there).

But it's so strange that one word can turn conviction, a decided fact, into something where the motives are questionable and everything.

How long will I remember this?
Can't help but feeling I got trolled...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Found my Chinese textbook!!

Anybody else noticing the recent increase in languages in television? Today there was a bilingual Korean-English flight attendant (whose first words, to a white American holding a simple picture dictionary, were in Korean... as if that would ever happen!). Most of it is portrayed as negative (ie bragging French woman), although there are some relatively positive but face-palm (entertaining clients with Chinese that although basic and clearly lacking in basic knowledge of food, was effective to the ignorant business men), and others ambiguous (car ad? with Japanese). Regardless of how they are depicted, five years or so ago though, you wouldn't have been able to hear ANY foreign language, so I guess this is progress?

Gotta remember to look up representations of foreign language and foreigners in commercials...

In other news, reading the introduction to a book on SLA in study abroad, where they are only defining study abroad and looking at the viewpoints different countries/people can take in approach to it..... blew my mind. Can't wait to get further in it :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

"It's not yellow fever if the girl is hot." -- Shanghai Shiok

A lot of stuff to root through later. My goal today was to watch some FLCL and some more Nichijyou, but I wasted it all day online again...

Yellow Fever-ish video?

Chinese translation site, with a translation of a very interesting post called how to dump a chinese girl

Respected by the shanghaishiok girl

Need to read this. It's so close!!

Japan/Japanese stuff from here:

List of english magazines published in Japan

A few dictionaries one a medical and the other supposedly extensive enough to include medical terms
Oosaka-ben lessons!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

In case I go to HPAIR :P 地震はテレビ放送にどんな影響を与えたかについて

Gotta watch this sometime :)



Went to brunch with Ryan and Renault and Alex and Ian and Vera. Should've done that a long long time ago....

Came home and read a chapter of the Chinese 3 book, then remembered we're not going to be using it at Fudan and figured I should only moderately use it while training to improve my Japanese as well. Been sitting at my computer ever since hahaha.

Found this video. It's sooooo gooooood!!!

Then found out it's a cover, so found a cover of the cover. Realized the song could be taken as a bit racist (made in the 70's), but is very cute in it's 描写 of 純愛, and captures the akward frankness of 2nd language 告白 perfectly :)

Then remembered the first song has some dialect in it and started looking up the different ones (the one the singer from Asian Kung Fu Generation has I've been thinking about for a while. Gotta train my ears to understand more pronounciations in more dialects!)

These are for later:

Also, a show called 日常 translated as "My Ordinary Life", I've just become ハマったed with... It's on Crunchyroll.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

(previously this post was about intro to psych... ill feelings... that have been cleared up!! ahhhhh this school T___T)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

(I miss playing chess)

"In all things, how deeply you feel depends on whether it is someone else's experience or your own. No matter how deep your interest, another person's experience will never move your heart so deeply as your own." Motoori Norinaga, Uiyamabumi

"You must take your opponent into a deep dark forest where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one." -- Tal Mikhail

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Reading, admiring, and kyoukan suru-ing

"My greatest defect is that my entire being is sometimes irresistibly attracted to a passing emotion and I lose my balance of spirit. [...] I am not the least bit afraid of what people may think of me. I know that there are more than a few people that hate me. As long as I am dealing with such objective reality, I am not the least perturbed. I am not a coward in such matters. But there are certain feelings that steal into my heart and try to ensnare me, and in their presence my own heart becomes the most terrifying of all things."

--from Claudius's Journal, a rewriting of sorts of Hamlet by Shiga Naoya.

trans. Francis Mathy

Monday, April 25, 2011


These are nice, well put. (But they don't help T_T)


Sunday, April 24, 2011


Once again, google translate gives me an interesting sentence. This is the first part (all I have right now haha) of my Chinese oral. Should take out the part about piaoliang haha.


It's interesting, making this amalgam of sorts, of experience, literature, and imagination. Crafting my story, inventing this girl, and in turn being inspired by a statistical translation algorithm...

Phonetic input for Google Translate ftw! There's been something called Google Transliteration, I think? But this is the first time I've heard of it. Gotta test out their translation tool kit a bit more soon. Summer project ftw.

Might be able to take the foreign service officer test in Shanghai. Gotta check that out.

Two things:

Yesterday was a good night. Sushi night/Cook-off, I never made it back to initiation (craaaaaap) and totally forgot about the dj battle and buying a shirt (heh and I ran into Ruding later... and totally didn't think about it! She was too busy being beast). Met a lot of people and connected to people from class and elsewhere, laughed, told a girl I thought she was cute (gasp & possibly 初) and generally just remembered why I love this school so much. Finally solved the mystery of why exactly people get BD so late at night on the weekends as well; that is to say, I knew the reason, but I can understand the motivations now?

Then tried to go home, and remembered why I have been having such a hard time. I don't know how I will maintain my sanity (other than investing in a pair of heavy duty earplugs and either obeying the unspoken curfew (does it hurt to check if everyone's in or not?) if I don't find a job and have the money to move out quickly, once I come back...

Also lost my temper, shouted harder and louder than I thought I could, in a moving car. Not so smart, but it almost felt like a release. Again, things I knew were there but suddenly was surprised came to the surface, reinforcing why I keep them down there in the first place. It's just like those urges I get to step in front of moving vehicles, or at the very least stick my hand out and touch the window of a train -- acknowledge and ponder, before casting away. So far I haven't found anything better.

So anyway, I, being probably the only one considerate enough not to ring the doorbell that late... found it really ironic that while the only place I could really go to was the library (Thank God for Whispers! After ruling out staying in the car or going to a restaurant like steak-n-shake, for safety and monetary (so stingy when it comes to myself and myself only) issues respectively) I'm locked out of (=not welcome in) many of the places on campus, the closest thing I have to a "home".

Sucks to be so far away. Should have planned better. Story of my life these days, seems like.

Anyway so I've been in the cafe for a while, and had intended to get some sleep. The sun's already up though, and suddenly I'm thankful for those damned curtains in that unforgiving basement that have wreaked havoc on my sleep schedule (by allowing me to sleep). I don't know what it was but for the last few days or so time seemed to have been moving so so slowly.

Found these two articles on the New York times website. Hopefully the articles will stay up (without having to pay for them... but maybe I should go ahead and make copies...), they're pretty freaky and making me wonder just what the heck I've gotten myself into. Why aren't I studying Korean again? hahaha.

Mulan! In Chinese! Monday and Teusday, if I can wake up in time.
So much reading to dooooooo!
And can't forget philosophy. Damn you, philosophy hw!!!

One: Everyone is always talking about South Korea for this, but...
For Many Chinese, New Wealth and a Fresh Face

Apparently 30% of their plastic surgery cases are actually wealthy Chinese traveling internationally for the procedures, due to lack of regulation and disparate quality on the Chinese side. While reconstructive surgery benefits from these types of cases, well... I still don't really like the idea. (Says the guy who is unhappy again with his own body image! In terms of fitness though haha)

Two: This is just freaky. A glimpse of the future? And a cheap way to live illegally in China. Can't believe I will be there in a few months...
The Air-Raid-Shelter Apartments Under Beijing

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Almost done... not as much time as I thought


I think I'm just too lazy, to actively go after someone..."

Putting off too much work... and applications... gotta motivate myself! その未来は今にでもしちゃえ!

Ugh I hate philosophy... so many papers to write now...

Learned from Marcus-sensei, praise can be more hurtful than criticism (esp. about something you are not confident in... and as a preface to criticism...)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Reading this (on yahoo questions) was a bit scary...

友達もいないに等しいです。自分がしてきたことの積み重ねたが招いた結果です 。私が死んでも誰も悲しまない。

But then it turns out to be about being a prostitute, and I felt relieved...

Friday, April 8, 2011


At MAASU, not getting much work done.
So much was going on this weekend, that I wanted to make this trip worth it. So far it's amusing, but not like I had imagined...

Most of the people, even from my own college I don't really know, and I've been again more watching from the sidelines than actively participating and meeting new people, or even simply asserting my presence in conversation circles, especially when I don't intend to say anything (that I'm really bad at, and most people aren't as attentive to these things as I am, or at least they don't act on anything when they realize it...)

Read through most of the English stuff for Norinaga -- he really blows my mind!! But really complicates my project, and I have really lost the focus I thought that I had for it. The same thing goes for reading the beginnings (~25 pages) of The Shiga Hero; he went through and beasted on both Haha no shi stories and even two more related ones that I didn't even think could have existed... so again, rather than really contributing anything, my work will be more of a 補注 than anything if left in its current state, and I still need to find more stories to work with...!

Even saying that though, having made time to read these (instead of last minute or not at all) really brings out how fascinating this stuff is!! Still not sure if I could or want to make a career out of it, but... (and that offer of help from the Google guy is looking especially tempting, but it will make the rest of my goals difficult, as far as travel and language acquisition, etc in the short term).

Norinaga single-handedly (OK, with the help of the translators/summarizers/criticizers from all three works) destroyed my upholding of Confuscianism as the perfect answer to our social disorder... In other words it's no longer supreme, just a way to try and fix a broken society, and as long as we think there is something to fix there's no way to fix it... It's also kind of amazing how some of the same arguments/problems that I saw in Christianity were brought up by this guy in the 18th century talking about the perils/wrongness of Japanese Confucianism and his belief in the supremeness of ancient Japan. Interesting that the major weak point of his argument, as seen from a modern perspective, is his trust that the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki were real/true-to-life depictions of how things came about (another similarity to the Christianity debate et al.)

Afterwards I will have to translate one of the Murakami stories -- they were pretty amusing, and the one about sort of cheating with a widow was pretty titillating (wonder if I'll ever forget that word...). Haven't attempted a written translation in a while, hope that it won't prove too difficult and entering the translation contest will be easier than I have imagined...

Speaking of which there was a guy here from Whitewater college or something like that, who is studying Japanese and going to Kwansai Gakuin next spring -- he was only in Japanese 2 and when I asked him どうして日本語を勉強していますかと聞いたら、来週日本に行きましたって答えられた。It was kind of funny but only drove home how few speaking partners I've made for myself at school, and the definite tendency that I have to seek out and converse with people who are understand less than me or are at about the same level...

Because of that I feel myself getting worse and worse, especially on those days when I go in to talk to the teachers... I'm kind of amazed that I can do the TA job still, but maybe that's just because it's in English... really need to brush up, instead of limiting my Japanese exposure to songs all day find time to watch dramas and classes, read more books for fun (Kinokuniya!! I have like 6 books I'll hope to finish before going to Tokyo again, and buy more to last me for a while in China this summer, although I really hope we have access to the library there!), and practice speaking more, both informal and stupid everyday life stuff and in terms of elevated speech. Right now I wouldn't do too well on an OPI, I feel. Also need to try that swap translating service thing, I forget the name but I have it somewhere on my to-do list.

There are so many things on that, I don't even remember what most of them are. One is a Japanese politician's speech on the dumping of the nuclear waste water though, so I think I will listen to that before going to bed with episodes of Hawaii podcast playing through my ipod. I'll have to roll the freshman over before I can take a spot in the bed though...

Waking up at 7 or so for breakfast, then shower, then off for a full day of MAASU. Not sure I'm up for partying (tonight was pretty amusing though!).

Gotta remember to run, work out, lift weights, watch food intake, enough to look and perform decent at SOK this coming weekend...

Also, something to look into: Japanese poetry. Medical Japanese and Business Japanese by partnering with people in the MBA programs and at the Med school campus... Will probably be around so I can benefit from it too! Also, need to get signed up for the tutor position. Teaching Japanese could be fun, and it will get me some experience if I do decide to go for the language school... TEFL, and talk to Julie about options for the future... book a place to stay in Tokyo too...

Quote from Norinaga (there's a lot I could quote...):

"A comparison may be made: gifted people do not assert themselves -- only the mediocre argue about minute details and take pride in doing so as though these matters were of importance."

Now that was strictly about Confucianism, but I feel like that's one reason why I find it so hard to relate to the average American... so many of the Asian-americans here (at MAASU) are super American too so it's been interesting trying to contrast my interaction with them and with my friends at school... And of course this is a little of my vanity showing, calling myself gifted. Oh, how I long for those days where I was fit and building a dancer's body, and enjoyed the sight of myself in the mirror.... I want my bike T___T

Have to remember to 出す my phone to 修理 when I 日本に着いたら.....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

That was the most important. This was funny
I always thought I was weird or suicidal, but dochira ni seyo alone, in having these kinds of impulses...

That was the most important. This was funny

This is intriguing, and probably true (reputation no sei ka)

This is poignant!
Except for ones formed via the internet.
Or people with simple malice in mind...
Damn my pessimism...

I lol'ed at this. Clicking on the picture sees it retitled to "metaphor for love" -- don't know which one I find more appropriate.

About 6 hours to generate roughly 10 pages of text!! Ack!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


だけどちょっと それもあるよな

それどころか 君の前でさえも上手に笑えない

ローリング ローリング

心絡まって ローリング ローリング

泣けやしないから 余計に救いがない

岩は転がって 僕たちを何処かに連れて行くように



ローリング ローリング

心絡まって ローリング ローリング


Still procrastinating. Damn myself. Damn myself to hell...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

have massive anxiety when it comes to doing my hw... the ones I've put off, I mean

and now, no choice but to forge ahead.
don't think I can do this

Saturday, March 26, 2011

100th post! Not like I had imagined...

"The point is to be able to think more realistically, rather than simply thinking positively."

Know yourself and your limits, open yourself up to aspects of yourself that may be underdeveloped.

“Smile and the world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone.”

“Quit whining. Go out and help people and you won’t have time to brood…”

“You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it.”

"What can I do for you?
Name anything and I’ll do it for you.
Talk to me
I’m here for you and I’m not leaving you
Rest, as long as you need to
Peace, my peace I give to you.
Rest in peace."

"Suicide is a long term-solution to a short-term problem." Hahaha.

Something inspiring to wrap up.
WILD is in a bit of a better light...